Hoping that tomorrow will be a brand new day..

When things are not ok, I go to bed early..
Hoping that tomorrow will be a brand new day..
Hoping everything sorts out by itself..
Hoping that the pain inside vanishes..
Hoping that I suddenly have the strength to face it all..
Hoping that life has something better in store..
Hoping that life becomes as fun as a roller coaster ride all of a sudden..
Hoping that tomorrow is a repeat of my most memorable day till date..
Hoping that from tomorrow I will no longer have to wait for anything..
Hoping that people begin to see my point of view..
Hoping that tomorrow all my dreams come true..
Hoping that tomorrow is not today..

When things are not ok, I go to bed early..
Hoping that tomorrow will be a brand new day..


Prashanth said...

I pray all your wishes come true!

Sweet dreams.. :o)

Milana said...

Thanks Prashanth!!

Ramya said...

Let things be always ok with you :D and when not ok may all these come true and also :D you can hope that we are all with you to face it together :D

Happy to see you blog :D

Milana said...

Thanks Ramya!! So nice to see you here after so long. We need to meet up, I'll contact you :)

Jay said...

Hope is good, but trust is better.

Trust in your self and know that everything that can make you happy is within your self and it is impossible for anyone else to make you unhappy (or for that matter even happy.)
If we start believing in living now and not worrying about meeting presumed goals, we would be set free, we would be happy and as a side effect we would end up "winning" in conventional sense, though winning and losing has NO meaning in a "real-life" where living is being cognizant of our current blessings and the serene mind that we would eventually get.

Life is out there - we make so much effort to ignore it.

Claire said...

May our tomorrows always be better than our todays.

Milana said...

So true Claire!! It can't get any better than that.